Bangkok: The court denied bail to 'Boss Win', one of the 16 Boss Di Icon members, stating that he can be treated in the prison hospital. If his condition is severe, he can be sent for treatment outside.
According to Thai News Agency, in Courtroom 708, the court scheduled a hearing for the request for temporary release of Mr. Thawintraphat Phuphatthanarin, or Boss Win, the 10th defendant in the black case number At. 14/2568. The Office of the Attorney General of Special Litigation is the plaintiff, suing The Icon Group Company, represented by Mr. Woratphon Woratworakul, or Boss Paul, and his associates, as defendants 1-17. They are charged with offenses such as jointly defrauding the public, distortion or forgery of computer data, fraudulent borrowing, and conducting unauthorized direct sales business.
Reporters noted that the court used video conferencing with the Bangkok Special Prison and invited a doctor to join the hearing because Mr. Thawinpat had filed a petition for bail citing illness. The court later set a hearing for the order at 2:00 p.m. However, the media was not allowed to join the hearing.
The court's investigation revealed that during his detention, Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital would send leukemia medication to the Corrections Department Hospital for the 10th defendant. If specialized treatment was necessary, the Corrections Department Hospital doctors could recommend sending the patient to an external hospital. The court determined that the defendant's illness was manageable by the Corrections Department according to the Corrections Act B.E. 2560 Section 55. Other reasons cited in the petition had been previously addressed, and the court had earlier issued an order not to grant temporary release during the investigation. At this stage, the petition for temporary release has been dismissed.