Nonthaburi, The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society of Thailand held a meeting to present DPO network policy and accelerate the implementation of proactive prevention mechanisms. Blocking personal data leaks after 8 months, finding 192 violations
The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission organized a meeting of the Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO) network, a group of 85 government agencies, to raise the intensity of the PDPC Eagle Eye Center's operations in surveillance. Incidents of violations: In 8 months, 192 violations were found. The main cause was the dissemination of public information without a process for concealing important information.
Mr. Prasert Chandraruangthong, Minister of Digital Economy and Society, said that the government and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society Give importance to the protection of personal information of citizens. The policy has been assigned to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDC) to supervise government and private agencies to strictly comply with personal data protection laws. Monitor and prevent the leak of personal information of citizens from various agencies.” In addition, the Minister supported the operations guidelines of the SSO in promoting the work of Personal Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to effective Including pushing for the development of building a strong DPO network to create a mechanism that will help groups of data controllers and personal data processors Able to carry out appropriate and concrete legal measures. Especially in terms of security measures to prevent breaches or leaks of personal information in the possession of each agency.
This is due to the policy of the Prime Minister. that focuses on integrating work to prevent and solve cybercrime problems from personal data leaks along with the government and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society There is a policy in Engine 2 regarding digital security (Safety and Security), emphasizing proactive prevention. This makes the creation of the DPO network an important mechanism in helping to protect citizens' personal information more efficiently. Therefore, DPOs are likened to being 'Super Heroes' who protect citizens' personal information to be safe from fraudsters and dangers. various
Personal information leakage can be prevented with the following measures. 1. Check and ensure that the agency strictly complies with the PDPA law.
Check and monitor that personal information of citizens is not leaked on the website and other channels. 3. Check that there is no collection or dissemination of personal information of citizens more than necessary. 4. Provide security measures for accessing personal information, such as identity verification. Specify rights to access and use data. 5. Provide measures to supervise officials within the agency from selling personal information of citizens. or disclosed illegally 6. Organize training to create knowledge and awareness of personal data protection for officials within the agency.
In addition, PDPC or the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDC) by Dr. Siwarak Siwamoksatham, Secretary-General of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission Has responded to the policies of the government and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society. By implementing intensive proactive personal data protection measures and strictly enforcing the law, during the next 30 days we will accelerate proactive inspections to monitor and prevent personal data leaks from various agencies. Especially in government agencies
PDPC provides mechanisms to promote the performance of DPO duties, including: protection mechanism By creating a personal data protection supervision checklist (Regulator Checklist) to support and help DPOs to operate efficiently and in accordance with the law. Deterrence mechanism By establishing a center to monitor and monitor the situation of personal data protection using the AI system or the PDPC Eagle Eye Center, it is responsible for surveying the risk of disseminating personal information on the internet. Ready to monitor and collect statistical data for use in evaluating and analyzing the situation. In order to bring the information to coordinate with the network of personal data protection officers. and expand the enforcement of laws in cases where personal data violations are detected. and the mechanism of cooperation By coordinating the creation of a nationwide DPO network (DPO Network) to enable the work of DPOs to have strong and stable efficiency on a large scale. And there will be an event to award outstanding personal data protection officers to encourage morale in their work and from the establishment of the PDPC Eagle Eye Center, surveillance has detected as many as 192 violations (statistics as of April 1 . – 8 Nov. 2023)
The most common cause of violations came from the dissemination of public information without a process for concealing important information (No Masking), 176 matters, and the type of agency that was detected the most was Government agencies and state enterprises had 154 matters, followed by education businesses with 21 matters.
As for receiving notifications of violations, the SSO received a total of 382 matters, divided into 158 matters in 2022 (1 June - 31 Dec. 2022) and 2023, a total of 224 cases (1 Jan. - 8 Nov. 2023), with the top 5 causes of violations being data leaks in 130 cases and operator's defects in 82 cases. , not concealing personal information 57 matters, websites selling information 43 matters and malware 24 matters, with the top 5 business types receiving the most notifications being finance and banking 118 matters, government agencies-state enterprises 92 matters, retail trade and wholesale 37 issues, education 26 issues and information technology and telecommunications 17 issues
Contact channels for the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDC). You can contact to inquire, request advice, or consult on filing complaints during business days and hours. Telephone for advice on personal data protection laws 02 114 8504 and 02 141 6993 or 02 142 1033,
e-mail: and website:
Source: Thai News Agency