The Small Industry Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) upgrades its advisory center. Joining forces with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to encourage SMEs to enter the capital market, hoping to help drive the Thai economy.
Mr. Sittikorn Direksuntorn, Director and General Manager Small Business Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) and Mr. Praphan Charoenprawat, Assistant Manager Securities issuer line Stock Exchange of Thailand Signed a cooperation agreement Start-up enterprise development and support project and small and medium sized enterprises Focus on promoting and supporting Develop entrepreneurs who are starting to grow Including promoting, supporting and developing entrepreneurs with potential. To have access to fundraising sources in the capital market By providing financial knowledge to strengthen capabilities and prepare to access funding sources in the capital market which has a lower cost of money than the cost of borrowing from a financial institution through "TCG FA Center" with no cost for requesting advice
Mr. Sitthikorn said that TCG as a government agency Under the Ministry of Finance Serves as loan guarantor Help entrepreneurs access credit and capital sources. Therefore, we have expanded the scope and role of providing more assistance through the "SMEs Financial Advisory Center or TCG FA Center" and have gathered financial experts. (Former senior executive of a financial institution who has retired) comes to provide advice, guidance, and coordination with all financial institutions in the system. To help SMEs entrepreneurs have the opportunity to apply for loans. Debt restructuring and adjust the business appropriately in order to have liquidity and conduct business as usual and has reasonable financial costs
Source: Thai News Agency