Director General of the Probation Department. Revealing the Songkran Festival Total drunk driving cases in 4 days were 3,737 cases, Bangkok highest at 399 cases.
Mr. Rueangsak Suwaree, Director-General of the Probation Department, said that during the Songkran festival There are statistics of cases in which the court ordered probation on April 14, 2024, a total of 2,136 cases, classified as 2,106 cases of driving while intoxicated and 30 cases of drugged driving. For the cumulative total of 4 days of 7 Dangerous Days, there were 3,890 cases, classified. There were 3,737 cases of driving while intoxicated, accounting for 96.07 percent, 3 cases of careless driving, accounting for 0.08 percent, and 150 cases of drugged driving, accounting for 3.85 percent. There were the highest number of drunk driving cases at 399 cases, followed by Nonthaburi with 227 cases and Samut Prakan with 214 cases. When comparing the statistics of cases entering probation on the 4th of the 7 Dangerous Days of 2023, it was found that
there were 315 cases of driving while intoxicated and In 2024, the number of cases was 2,106, an increase of 1,791 cases.
On this same day Probation offices nationwide Continue to support the work of officials in providing public services. in collaboration with probation volunteers network partners and probationers Including organizing landscaping and cleaning at risky spots in the community. Checkpoint visits and distribution of drinking water at public service points There were 93 checkpoints and community checkpoints with a total of 2,027 people participating in the activities in order to facilitate traffic for the public to travel and drive safely during the Songkran Festival.
Source: Thai News Agency