Immigration Bureau intensifies campaign to crack down on crimes before Songkran Festival

Bangkok, Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau issues strict orders. Mobilize to eliminate crimes before the Songkran festival Opened Operation Fah Sang in the Minburi area. 23 illegal migrant workers arrested Police Lieutenant General Itthiphon Itthisanronnachai, Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau, and Pol. Maj. Gen. Phanthana Nuchanart, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau, accepted the policy of Prime Minister Settha Thavisin, ordering agencies under their supervision to raise the level of Prevent and suppress crime To build confidence among tourists during the Songkran festival. By mobilizing to eradicate crime. Especially offenses related to immigration. This is the main responsibility of the Immigration Bureau by ordering and instructing them to increase the intensity of inspection and enforcement of the law. by having the immigration police responsible for the investigation Emphasis on integration with other agencies related On April 1, 2024, Pol. Maj. Gen. Prasat Khem a Prasit, Commander of Immigration Division 1, organized a row release ceremony to mobilize and eliminate crimes in the Bangkok area. At Khao San Road area and order the implementation of the policy Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau to X-RAY risk areas by assigning Pol. Col. Kajaphon Pathamang, Investigation Superintendent, Immigration Division 1, to lead the immigration police force under his supervision. The Investigation Committee, Immigration Division 1, cooperates with officials from the Department of Employment. The Ministry of Labor and ISOC Bangkok gathered together more than 40 officials to meet and plan to inspect foreign nationals of various nationalities, including Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, residing in various locations. In Soi Charoen Phatthana, Bang Chan Subdistrict, Khlong Sam Wa District, Bangkok, which has received complaints and clues from the public. both through mainstream media channels and social media that many groups of migrant workers use it as a residence and w aiting to be hired to use labor in the construction business to earn daily income Later today (April 2) at approximately 6:00 a.m., officials from all departments deployed to inspect various points. in Soi Charoen Phatthana together Since the Charoen Phatthana intersection Continue until you reach the morning market in the middle of the alley. During the inspection of a group of foreigners Both groups are illegal workers. and groups with correct documents They were frightened and ran away. Some ran to hide in the dense forest on the side of the road. Officers had to spread out their forces to chase and pursue. until some were arrested The operation took approximately one hour and was able to detain a total of 23 foreigners for further inspection and classification using trucks to control the accused that the officials had prepared. The results of the detailed investigation found that the majority were aliens of Cambodian nationality, 22 persons, 1 person of Lao nationality, divided into offenses. "Foreigners entering the Kingdom illegally" 16 people and the offense "Foreigners entering and remaining in the Kingdom with permission expired" 7 people were detained and sent to investigators for prosecution. and continue to push out of the kingdom Immigration Bureau would like to publicize this to all citizens to know that Alien persons of all nationalities entering the Kingdom In addition to having to enter through legally permitted channels and receive a valid visa. You still have a duty to notify your residence to the Immigration Officer according to Section 37 of the Immigration Act 1979. And if you wish to work in Thailand, you must apply for a work permit. Legal An employer who hires foreigners to work without a license will be guilty of an offense. The 2017 Emergency Decree on the Management of Foreigners' Work carries a maximum fine of 100,000 baht. Home owners or occupiers also have a duty to notify the Immigration Bureau when foreigners enter. come to stay in a place under their care, which the Immigration Bureau will have measures in place to inspect, tighten, and crack down on aliens who enter and stay in the Kingdom in violation of the law. However, if anyone gives shelter, hides or helps in any way Allow the offender to escape from the arrest of the officials. There will be an offense under Section 64, which has a maximum prison sentence of 5 years if the public sees the clues. offense Please notify me. Immigration Bureau Or contact the provincial immigration office in your area or at Source: Thai News Agency