Tourism Innovation and Service Program, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences runs a “learning by Doing” workshop for students

The Tourism Innovation and Service Program of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Khon Kaen University organized a workshop to train 4th year students to be bakers and baristas under the “Learning by Doing” Project. The workshop was meant to add occupational experiences to the students and to replace practicum programs due to the Covid-19 situation. The first day event featured training on beverage mixing. A former beverage manager, Khun Jane Naenthong from Mandarin Oriental Bangkok was invited to teach the students in beverage mixing. The training included details of raw materials and their properties, the taste of each type of beverage, how to create and design beverage menus to be different from others, so that their soft drinks will be interesting among their customers in the future. The second day was the workshop on bakery, including in particular, bread. The trainer on this day was Khun Janjira Pinkasan, the inventor of longan cake from Lampoon; and trainers from Ban Tang Ton Bakery, Chiangmai. The trainers first introduced the students about different types of bread, the raw materials and ingredients to be used. The students were divided into small groups and trained to make bread such as shoku-pan, Danish, croissant, under supervision of the trainers. The students had been assigned to revise the knowledge they received from the course of food and beverage catering and banquet before the workshop. After the workshop, they had to draw conclusion of what they learned and then submit their video presentation to the course lecturer. The aim was to enable the students to apply what they learned in their future occupation, which could be management of bakery and beverage shops, including management of costs, raw materials, demand of target customers so that they are able to hold this as their future occupation.

Source: Khon Kaen University